Sunday, 30 May 2010


Okay, so the other day, I was lucky enough to receive an official invite to, a social fashion networking site, membership for which is invite-only. The general aim is to help fellow users answer the following universal question: how do I look? Post pictures of what you're wearing, receive live feedback, then help other users with their own sartorial endeavours.

Sounds fun, no? Now, here's the really exciting bit: as a new member, I have been granted five invites to distribute as I please, and I want to give them to my readers (of course!). So, if you would like an invite, send me an email  -  -  explaining why you think you deserve one.

Remember, Lookville is invite-only, so take advantage of this opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was invited to lookville too but I signed up but I do not want to be a member, do you know how to delete the membership account?